Thursday, April 04, 2002

Another appt over. Doc says "keep up the good work" if only he knew how much Easter candy I have eaten! Har. My weight stayed the same, which was a shocker because I feel soooooo much bigger!!! That's normal. Still not used to it. Last time to experience it. Good. At nearly 32 weeks I am having Braxton-Hicks all over the place and waddling, too. Imagine a huge rock the size of . . . a baby, I guess! LOL! stuck in your middle every time you get up. Hips want to spread out and give way. I am so thankful that my back troubles have been pretty much non-existant this time around. It got so bad with the last one that I couldn't lay flat on the hosp bed without having one leg up or something. I attribute my vertebral successes to yoga. I know. What's that all about. But really, I started with Yoga Zone a couple of years ago to help with joint pain due to the Lupus. It has really helped me in so many ways. I don't have a mantra and I don't do it every day, but I am in maintenance mode, specially adapted to my huge belly and it feels sooooo gooood. Stretching is my thing, man. I have always been good at stretching. It's the aerobic excercise that is a challenge to me, hence the weight issues. Oh well. At least I am a flexible moose. hahahaha.