Friday, May 10, 2002

Spent 2 hours in the hospital today - the one day I bring the kids to the non-stress test - waiting for the baby to wake up so we can measure the heart rate during it's activities! My feet were the size of footballs and my butt was numb by the time we were done! All worth it of course although I could tell anyone this baby is not having any troubles - shicka shicka kaboom! I guess it is better safe than sorry. Great - got to go back on Monday again. I'll be finding a sitter for this one. Otherwise, just waiting to meet my little one face to face. These last weeks are always the hardest. Makes it even worse to visit my neighbor Amy and her adorable little 3 month old Isaac! He's just to the laughing stage and so frustrated that he can't just up and run around like the "big kids" - you can just see it in his eyes! Good thing I am having one of my own or I might want to steal him! LOL - just kidding Amy!